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Why Choose Maverick?

Listed below are just a few of the reasons our customers choose Maverick Water Systems and love our products.  Maverick has many features, benefits and money saving factors you simply will not get with other products or companies.

We are 100% Made in the USA!

Our Products are 100% Made in the USA!  Many companies make the “Made in USA” claim, which may be true by definition.  However, many companies assemble their products in the USA using foreign parts and medias, which come from other countries around the world.  It is a common misconception that water treatment systems are a "one size fits all" product; and unfortunately, that couldn't be further from the truth.  Maverick Water Systems are proudly made in Phoenix, Arizona which is home to some of the hardest water and hottest environments on the planet.  Our systems are specifically designed and built to tackle the Southwests challenging hard water and extreme hot temperatures.  

At Maverick Water Systems, we source all of our parts and medias from American companies who manufacture their products within the United States.  Final assembly for all Maverick Water Systems takes place in Phoenix, Arizona USA!

We Save Our Customers Thousands of Dollars! 

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Maverick Water systems are the only product which you will not need to continue to spend money on annual maintenance or filter replacements.  Because our systems are whole house 7 Stage Filtration Systems which require No Maintenance, have No Filters to buy or change and No Reverse Osmosis filters to buy or change; our customers save a minimum of $300 - $600 per year and thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the system. 

On average, our customers save between $3000 to $6000 over just the first 10 years of ownership, even when directly compared to the cheapest priced systems on the market.

7 Stage Filtration System

It is simple, more stages of filtration is better than less when it comes to filtering your water!  Maverick Water Systems Platinum Series No-Salt and Salt Systems are the only systems which use 7 Filtration Media Technologies to remove unwanted and harmful contaminants which can sometimes be found in our water. 

Why is this important?  Many of our competitors only use between 2 - 4 different medias.  It is important to understand that different contaminants require different filtration medias to effectively remove them from your water.  Many products primarily focus on removing Chlorine, which is better than nothing; however, there could be a lot more than just chlorine in the water which you want to remove. By using 7 Stages of Filtration, we remove a wider range & larger amount of potentially harmful & unwanted contaminants. 

Maverick’s 7 Stage whole house water treatment systems not only treat water hardness, but also remove chlorine, THM’s, harmful chemicals, VOC’s, Toxic Heavy Metals including Lead, Mercury, Chromium and Arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, bacteria, pathogens, odors, gases and much more!

We Use a Permanent Multi-Polarity Descaler Instead of TAC / NAC Media

Most No Salt Systems on the Market use TAC or NAC Media....... why doesn't Maverick Water Systems?

The truth is, TAC and NAC Media is older technology, and there is a very good reason as to why it is used by most companies as we will explain....


TAC Media (Template Assisted Crystal) which is also now referred to as NAC Media (Nucleation Assisted Crystal) are ceramic polymer beads (aka: ceramic coated plastic beads) which were originally invented in Germany and first marketed in 1993.  The problem is.... TAC/NAC Media does not backwash and therefore has a service life which isn't very long unfortunately and as a result the systems using it become very expensive to maintain........ this is why companies still use it!   Don't take our word for it....... just Google "How long does TAC Media last?"  You will see that TAC/NAC media "Must" be replaced at least every 3-5 years.  However, how long it will last you depends on how hard your water is as well as what other minerals and contaminants are in the water, because of the fact that TAC/NAC media degrades when exposed to common water contaminants such as Chlorine, Manganese and Hydrogen Sulphide.   As a result, consumers using these systems can expect to replace the TAC/NAC Media every 3-5 years and in many cases sooner at a current average price of between $1600 - $2500 depending on the company.  This is why every company that sells this type of system doesn't call the descaling media TAC or NAC....... they will give it their own fancy name and trademark it to give the impression that they own the technology.  By doing this, they create a false sense of exclusivity to the technology and also hide the truth about the media and how long it lasts so that a consumer has no idea it's trade name is actually TAC/NAC Media; and therefore won't realize it needs replacing every few years until long after the purchase is made.  Perhaps the worst part of it all is....... the expensive replacement cost is all on top of the annual costs of changing any additional filters such as sediment filters, anti-microbial filters and Reverse Osmosis filters.  TAC/NAC Media systems are the most expensive systems to own on the market, costing consumers on average $7000 - $10,000 in addition to the original purchase price, in media and filter replacements over just a 10 year period.

Maverick Water Systems Platinum No-Salt whole house water system use a multi-polarity descaler; which in simpler terms is just a fancy term for permanent magnetic descaler which was invented in 2006 and the most up to date technology in the No-Salt water system industry.  The reason we use it is simple...... it works and requires NO Maintenance and NO Replacement.  But don't take our word for it....... just look up how long permanent magnets last, and you will see that they lose about 1% of their magnetism every 100 years.  This means that after a customer has a Maverick Water System installed, they are done spending money!  There are NO Media's and NO Filter's to buy or change; as well as NO Maintenance & NO Service Calls needed which saves our customers thousands of dollars!


In summary, TAC/NAC Media Systems come with a hefty future replacement cost of $1600 - $2500 every 3-5 years. A Maverick Platinum No Salt System comes with a future replacement cost of $0.00!

Video: How the Multi-Polarity Magnetic Descaler Works

Patented Vortech Plate Technology


Video: How the Patented Vortech Plate Works

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