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Frequently Asked Questions

Isn't my municipal water safe to drink?
Most municipal water systems use chlorine and/or chloramines to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. While the chemicals do an excellent job at killing bacteria and organic matter, it is important to remember we are made up of organic matter, hence making chlorine unhealthy. When Chlorine is added to the water it interacts with organic matter and as a disinfection byproduct can form Trihalomethanes (THM's) and Haloacetic Acids (HAA's).  THM's consist of over 600 known disinfection byproducts, many of which carry a "likely cancer risk".  Chlorine and chloramines also create dry skin and hair, unpleasant taste and odors that makes water undesirable to drink, cook or bath in.  Maverick Water Systems filter out these and many of the harmful chemicals and contaminants, unpleasant tastes, and smells to provide clean alkaline drinking water throughout your entire home.

Are Maverick Water Systems really No Maintenance and No Filters?
YES!  That is one of the best parts of owning a Maverick Water System, as they require ZERO MAINTENANCE and ZERO FILTERS TO CHANGE OR BUY!  This saves our customers thousands of dollars in comparison to the cost of operating other water treatment systems on the market.

Do Maverick Water Systems really save customers thousands of dollars?
YESOn average consumers spend between $300 - $600 per year on changing reverse osmosis filters alone.  In addition to this annual cost, many whole house systems have external filters such as sediment and/or bacterial filters to change every 6-12 months which cost consumers between $200 - $500+ per year.  When added together, consumers are spending between $300 - $600/year on the low end and as much as $600 - $1000/year in some cases to maintain their water systems.  Over just 5 years consumers will spend an additional $1500 - $3000+ and over 10 years between $3000 - $6000+ in filter replacement costs.

With a Maverick Water System;
 our customers spend NOTHING ($0.00) after installation; because Maverick Water Systems require ZERO MAINTENANCE,  ZERO FILTERS TO CHANGE OR BUY and NO REVERSE OSMOSIS IS NEEDED!

Most No Salt Systems on the Market use TAC or NAC Media....... why doesn't Maverick Water Systems?
The truth is, TAC and NAC Media is older technology and there is a very good reason as to why it is used by most companies as we will explain.  TAC Media (Template Assisted Crystal) which is also now referred to as NAC Media (Nucleation Assisted Crystal) are ceramic polymer beads (aka: ceramic coated plastic beads) which were originally invented in Germany and first marketed in 1993.  The problem is.... TAC/NAC Media does not backwash and therefore has a service life which isn't very long unfortunately and as a result the systems using it become very expensive to maintain........ this is why companies still use it!   Don't take our word for it....... just Google "How long does TAC Media last?"  You will see that TAC/NAC media "Must" be replaced at least every 3-5 years.  However, how long it will last you depends on how hard your water is as well as what other minerals and contaminants are in the water, because of the fact that TAC/NAC media degrades when exposed to common water contaminants such as Chlorine, Manganese and Hydrogen Sulphide.   As a result, consumers using these systems can expect to replace the TAC/NAC Media every 3-5 years and in many cases sooner at a current average price of between $1600 - $2500 depending on the company.  This is why every company that sells this type of system doesn't call the descaling media TAC or NAC....... they will give it their own fancy name and trademark it to give the impression that they own the technology.  By doing this, they create a false sense of exclusivity to the technology and also hide the truth about the media and how long it lasts so that a consumer has no idea it's trade name is actually TAC/NAC Media and therefore won't realize it needs replacing every few years until long after the purchase is made.  Perhaps the worst part of it all is....... the expensive replacement cost is all on top of the annual costs of changing any additional filters such as sediment filters, anti-microbial filters and Reverse Osmosis filters.  TAC/NAC Media systems are the most expensive systems to own on the market, costing consumers on average $7000 - $10,000 in addition to the original purchase price, in media and filter replacements over just a 10 year period.

Maverick Water Systems Platinum No-Salt whole house water system use a multi-polarity descaler; which in simpler terms is just a fancy term for permanent magnetic descaler which was invented in 2006 and the most up to date technology in the No-Salt water system industry.  The reason we use it is simple...... it works and requires NO Maintenance and NO Replacement.  But don't take our word for it....... just look up how long permanent magnets last and you will see that they lose about 1% of their magnetism every 100 years.  This means that after a customer has a Maverick Water System installed, they are done spending money!  There are NO Media's and NO Filter's to buy or change; as well as NO Maintenance & NO Service Calls needed which save our customers thousands of dollars!

In summary, TAC/NAC Media Systems come with a hefty future replacement cost of $1600 - $2500 every 3-5 years. 
A Maverick Platinum No Salt System comes with a future replacement cost of $0.00!

What affiliations and certifications does Maverick Water Systems have?
Maverick Water Systems is a Member of the Water Quality Association. Components and all medias used in our systems have also been tested and certified by independent labratory’s and have met the stringent safety and structural integrity requirements set forth by NSF/ANSI 42 and 61 certification standards. Buy a name you can depend on for years to come, trust Maverick Water Systems for all your residential and commercial water treatment needs.

Do Maverick Water Systems ad anything to the water?
NO!  Maverick Water Systems do not add anything to your water.  However, they do remove hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals, heavy metals and contaminants while also filtering out unwanted tastes and odors.  Enjoy healthy spring quality drinking water from every faucet in your home with Maverick Water Systems.

What is the difference between a No-Salt and Salt System?
First, it is important to understand that the technology used between the two types of systems is different and therefore they address the issue of hard water differently.  No Salt Systems are referred to as "water conditioners" and Salt Systems are referred to as "water softeners".  The reason for this is due to how each system treats the calcium and magnesium which are the two main minerals that make your water hard.

       No-Salt System:  Maverick No-Salt Systems use what's called a multi-polarity descaler (fancy name for a magnetic pipe) to "condition" the calcium and magnesium in the water.  This process, does not remove the calcium or magnesium from the water, but rather changes the minerals polarity; making them more water soluble, so rather than being attracted to other elements such as pipes, appliances, plumbing fixtures and surfaces, the minerals will now repel and not stick to them as easily or create scale build up.   By doing this, the minerals do not stick to the inside of plumbing pipes, fixtures or appliances as readily or easily.  The added benefit of treating the calcium and magnesium rather than removing it from the water is that these two minerals are beneficial for drinking water and essential for the human body.  By having them remain in the water, but conditioned so they do not cause damage to your home, results in drinking water which maintains its natural mineralization and pH alkalinity the way nature intended.  As a result, Maverick No-Salt Water Systems deliver clean, filtered and naturally mineralized alkaline drinking water from every tap in your home.

       Salt Systems:  Maverick Salt Systems use a high grade crosslink resin to remove calcium and magnesium from your water through a process called ion exchange and thus "softening" the water.  By removing calcium and magnesium from the water this eliminates calcium scale or buildup in plumbing pipes, fixtures and on surfaces.  The purpose of the "salt" in our salt system is to remove the calcium and magnesium from the resin bed whenever the system 'back washes" (cleans itself out).  During the systems back wash cycle salt water, also referred to as brine solution is injected into the systems tank.  The salt water solution interacts with the resin bed to remove the calcium and magnesium from the resin so it is suspended in water and then flushed down your drain to the sewer as grey water.  This process cleans the resin bed and is essentially like recharging a battery.  With a clean resin bed, the system is like new and ready to soften your water until the next backwash cycle is needed.

What does the Vortech Plate do?
NO!  The patented Vortech Plate is a stationary plate which has hudereds of slits in it set at specific angles and is beneficial during the backwash cycle.  Standard / traditional tanks use technology first created in the 1940's and unfortunately still use this 80 year old technology in the majority of water softening and filtration equipment found on the market today.  Maverick Water Systems uses 21st century patented Vortech Technology which creates an upward counterclockwise upflow or swirling action of the medias during every backwash.   This swirling or "vortech" up flow mixes the media similar to that of a blender, to clean medias better and with the use of less water.  Testing has shown that the use of Vortech Plate Technology results in a better cleaning of media while using 30% less water per backwash.  This results in better performing equipment, longer lasting medias and an overall more environmentally friendly system with 30% less water used per backwash.

To Learn More about how you can get cleaner, healthier, filtered alkaline water from every tap in your home; click below to book a completely FREE Water Test and Comprehensive Quote!

or Call: 602-921-3008

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